Please see a review of Craig’s bipartisan votes to support Women’s Healthcare and to increase the state’s spending on women’s healthcare.
The Budget (HB 1) Women’s health funding is increased by 24.3% compared to the last biennium.
85R Budget: $284 million
86R Budget: $347 million
Directs HHSC to evaluate and develop a limited postpartum care package for new mothers enrolled in the Healthy Texas Women (HTW) program and to develop strategies to ensure continuity of care for new mothers who transition from Medicaid for Pregnant Women into HTW.
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
Ensures pregnant and parenting youth in foster care receive basic parenting education and services to help preserve and strengthen their families.
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
Creates a pilot program in Medicaid to provide medical transportation to women and their children; the current program does not allow for women utilizing the Medicaid medical transportation program the option to bring their children with them to appointments. The goal is to allow more Texas mothers to attend prenatal and postpartum care appointments.
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
Creates a newborn screening preservation account to establish a dedicated, long-term funding stream for newborn screenings conducted by the Department of State Health Services public health lab. Also establishes several pilot programs related to maternal health: 1) a pregnancy medical home program to coordinate maternity care, 2) a program to improve care coordination services for women at higher risk for poor pregnancy, birth, or postpartum outcomes, and 3) a program to deliver prenatal and postpartum care through telehealth services.
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
Improves screening to better identify and care for women with opioid use disorder, improves referrals to treatment and continuity of care, increases access to medication-assisted treatment options, and enhances health care provided to pregnant women with opioid use disorder and to infants born addicted to opioids.
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
Improves awareness of the Healthy Texas Women (HTW) program by adding information to the notice sent to new mothers who are enrolled in HTW after having a baby.
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
Adds the right to express breast milk (so pump in addition to breastfeed) in any place where the mother and child is otherwise allowed or authorized.
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
Adds opioid use disorder maternal and newborn health initiatives to the Health and Safety Code. Requires improved screening, continuity of care, access to care, prevention for women and newborns with opioid use disorder. Sent to Gov. Abbott
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
Ensures that DSHS publicly posts and updates the costs of required newborn screenings. Prohibits health insurance plans from limiting reimbursement for newborn tests. Sent to Gov. Abbott
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
Requires Texas Education Code to be updated to include best practice guidelines for maternal and neonatal medical residency programs, and to improve care for pregnant women with opioid use disorder and their newborn children. Sent to Gov. Abbott
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
Requires HHS Commission to establish fees for newborn testing, which cover costs. Creates and protects a designated account for newborn screening funds.
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
Designates June as Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Awareness Month. Signed by Gov. (Neonatal abstinence syndrome = infants suffering from opioid withdrawal)
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
The bill creates a pilot program that allows moms to travel with their kids to prenatal and postpartum care appointments, using ridesharing whenever possible.
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
Requires government health benefit plans to provide coverage for a mammogram.
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
Makes improvements to care for women and pregnant women in TDCJ including training, visitation policies, educational programming for pregnancy and parenting, and restraint policies for pregnant women and women in labor.
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
Extends Commission on Jail Standards to include obstetrical and gynecological care, and requires them to identify when a pregnant prisoner is in labor and provide appropriate care to the prisoner. Prohibits the use of restraint on a person who is pregnant or has given birth in the last 12 weeks.
Craig Goldman’s Vote: Yes
"I’m honored by your support to win the Republican nomination to represent you in Congress. With your continued support, we can win the General Election on November 5th. My record proves I will be a conservative fighter who will prioritize border security and the American taxpayer, and I ask for your vote."
-Craig Goldman
Paid for by Craig Goldman for Congress